Saturday, December 6, 2014

Welcome, Internet People

    Hello everyone and welcome to The Suburban Post. This blog is intended to be a convenient funneling of all my social media outlets. Here you will find posts about my views on certain events happening around the world, photography, sketch comedy, gaming, music, tweets, poetry, writing, and much more! Hopefully in time I will find a consistent post pattern, but for now, I will be posting as often as a can about as many things as I can!

    The nature of my content does not have a rating, that means if you're not a fan of swearing, you're a chump. I'm only kidding, but seriously, this shit is not going to be watered down for you. Feel free to comment, share, and situate yourself on this blog, and I hope you can stay for a while because I have some awesome things in store for you, the reader.

    Thank you so much for following the links that I've been spewing all over my other social media sites, you are special for making it this far. Hopefully my content will be able to entertain you and at least fulfill a small part of the void of your boredom.

    Again, thanks for reading. Happy blogging!

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